EPA Rule on Solid Waste Disposal Act, Subtitle I Sent to Senate

Date: September 7, 2006

Source: US EPA

The US EPA has transmitted a rule entitled "Tribal Strategy; Solid Waste Disposal Act, Subtitle I, as amended by Title XV, Subtitle B of the Energy Policy Act of 2005." Section B amends Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, the original legislation that created the underground storage tank (UST) program. The strategy identifies key issues and actions to: strengthen the relationships between EPA and the tribes; improve information sharing; enhance tribal capacity; and further the cleanup and compliance of underground storage tanks in Indian Country. The EPA pledges to continue working closely with tribal partners to implement the strategy and report to Congress regarding its implementation by August 8, 2007.

For more information, contact: Joseph Vescio, EPA's Office of
Underground Storage Tanks, at vescio.joseph@epa.gov or (703) 603-0003.


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