Survey Reveals Challenges Facing MRFs

Date: September 19, 2021

Source: Recycling Today

A Recycling Today Media Group survey revealed that most materials recovery facility (MRF) operators (74%) and haulers (67%) have been dealing with labor shortages and cost issues. Additionally, changes in demand for materials over the course of the pandemic has also presented a difficult challenge for both municipalities and operators. One operator also cited "greenwashing", companies branding materials as recyclable when they aren't, as well as "wishcycling", people recycling objects that cannot be recycled, as additional problems facing MRFs.

On the other hand, operators were optimistic about new markets and public-private partnerships. While the pandemic settles out and people return to work, time will tell if labor shortages and pandemic era consumption trends continue. If they do, MRFs will be forced to make adjustments.

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