IESI Unveils State-of-the-Art Recycling Facility; LEED Certified

Date: October 2, 2009

Source: IESI-BFC Ltd.

IESI Unveils Unique Environmentally Conscious Material Recovery Facility, First of its Kind in U.S.

  • Upon Final Assessment, Green Recycling Center to be LEED Certified

IESI, a leader in the U.S. solid waste industry, today unveiled its new Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in McKinney, Texas. Upon the U.S. Green Building Council's approval, this facility will be the first privately funded single-stream LEED certified Material Recycling Facility in North America.

"This is an exciting day for not only our company and residents of North Texas, but for anyone who cares about making a difference in reducing our environmental impact," said Mickey Flood, IESI president & CEO. "We have essentially succeeded in making recycling even greener by processing the collected materials in a state-of-the-art environmentally conscious facility. We are not just talking about being green, we are showing our dedication to the environment with our actions and investment."

The 28,000 square foot facility will annually process more than 144 million pounds of non-hazardous materials including glass, plastic, paper, aluminum, tin and cardboard. The facility itself incorporates sustainable features such as certified wood, building materials containing recycled content, low-emitting materials, water-conserving fixtures and features to reduce the heat-island effect.

Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council in 2000, and regulated by the Green Building Certification Institute, LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of green commercial structures.

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