Waste Industry Worried About California Landfill-GHG Rule

Date: April 10, 2009

Source: News Room

Waste industry officials in California are urging the state's Air Resources Board (CARB) to ease requirements or at least delay significant changes to their proposed climate change regulation requiring improved methane-capture rates at landfills. The industry is concerned the rule will mandate significant and expensive changes to methane monitoring without enough time to make these adjustments effectively. They contend that a proposal to reduce an existing 50-parts-per-million (ppm) surface standard at landfills to 25 ppm is too drastic of a reduction, especially because there is little understanding about the impacts of such a move. Moreover, the expense may not be justified at some projects which may have to revert to flaring the landfill gas instead.

To learn more, visit: www.arb.ca.gov/cc/landfills/landfills.htm.

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