Pennsylvania Announces Availability of 'growing Greener' Report

Date: December 27, 2001

Source: News Room

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has released the second year report of Pennsylvania's "Growing Greener" initiative. Established in December 1999, "Growing Greener" is the largest single investment ever made to clean up Pennsylvania's environment -- $650 million over five years. The report offers a complete discussion of the environmental accomplishments achieved so far, as well as a look into just several of the hundreds of projects being implemented statewide contributing to the success of "Growing Greener." Since its inception, "Growing Greener" has produced significant educational and environmental benefits for Pennsylvania's watersheds. As projects are completed during the next few years, "Growing Greener" will: create or restore 4,261 acres of wetlands; complete 188 miles of stream buffer restoration; build 171 miles of stream improvement structures; reclaim 4,402 acres of abandoned mine lands; restore 370.5 miles of streams from acid mine drainage; and plug 1,241 oil and gas wells.

The report can be found online through the PA PowerPort at, PA Keyword: "Growing Greener."

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